
SA341 maiden flight


Today, we did a test flight of the Gazelle as the rain stopped for a moment early in the morning and there was no wind. It was very difficult to fly the Gazelle because the fenestration was not efficient.... When I checked my computer after I came home, I found an e-mail from Peter in Germany for advice.... Reduce the rotor speed and keep the center of gravity forward! And that's it. I tried it and you were right! It has become an honest and easy to fly gazelle. Danke! Peter!  But what a beautiful sight to see flying! It's an enthralling style. This is the world's first microscale helicopter, the SA341. I posted a short video of it on Instagram, so please take a look at it if you want. Thanks so much to Peter and Schölla of HeliScale for making the prototype of this aircraft and making it into a kit! It is.