

昨年から準備しています、450クラスのBO105の製作です。内部メカにT rex 450をチョイスしまして試験飛行が終了しました。特に問題は無く、安定した飛行が可能です。

We have been preparing the BO105 for the 450 class since last year. We chose Trex 450 for the internal mechanism and the test flight was finished. There is no particular problem and stable flight is possible.



After testing the internal mechanism, the next step is to increase the number of main rotor blades to 4 and the tail rotor to 45 °. The head we chose this time is a product of Micro Heli, Germany. The main rotor blade is also made of German spin blade. The tail up is also made by German Corseman. I am looking forward to the test flight.